Facebook Like Counts Soon to be Hidden for all Users

The test is launched for limited people with the sole reason to improve users’ sense of well being. If this trial is successful, it will be launched in other regions as well. While telling about this Facebook like counts, the Facebook spokesperson said that: “We are running a limited test where like, reaction and video view counts are made private across Facebook. We will gather feedback to understand whether this change will improve people’s experiences,” Previously the company had also revealed that it would be hiding like count feature on its mobile apps as well. People will be able to see who liked there post; however, the count will not be shown on the newsfeed. In this way, the app will be able to curb the anxiety and depression associated with like count on social media platforms. Instagram is already testing like counts in Canada and is planning to launch it in other regions as well. The sole reason for this test is to make people happy while they are using Facebook and Instagram. Also Read: Facebook Suspends Thousand of Apps in Privacy Investigation